Eagle Firefighters Association

Have a ball, or Two.

Leaning on the bovine testicular colloquialism oft-used and heard in the West, we created a hunger for bulls, um, balls. Try that some time.

But for a group of volunteer firefighters, the annual Rocky Mountain Oyster Festival has been their sole  fundraising event and source of precious revenue for decades. But at that time, the farming community where they were located had filled with city folks who simply weren’t testicle-eating types. 




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Our challenge was to get the attention of the new residents and let them know the festival was for a great community cause. So, we let the bull’s do the talking and everyone had a ball. Or two.


During a summer heat wave we had street teams hand out testicle shaped fans at local softball games. During this time site traffic spiked by over 400% and sales of tickets and merchandise set a 30 year record.



Drove advanced sales by offering special pre-festival discounted tickets

So when the uptight mayor took offense to the campaign, and threatened to shut the event down, her visibility-raising campaign only generated, buzz, excitement, and support—a hunger you could say—for the event.

The town rallied, and the event was spectacularly successful, selling out over 4,000 pounds of testicles in less than 3 hours.


All pre-festival communications drove consumers to the site for discounts on tickets and merchandise. The site generated revenue equal to the actual event.

So we raised the bar that year, setting a fundraising record. The firefighters were mightily rewarded and were able to purchase critical life-saving equipment.

We had a ball. Sorry Ms. Mayor.

