Children's Miracle Network

Warm & Fuzzy Federation

Organizational and employee engagement can be challenging--especially during the holiday season, especially for around-the-clock organizations like children’s hospitals.

But TBH, there’s no more important time for need, for the kids. And for that, fuzzy animals are always a sound device. So to engage the hospital and employees—the user—in this charity campaign we launched an online movement designed to spread goodwill and help kids in need through the Children’s Miracle Network.

We asked the users to do as rabbits do: Be cute and kind and spread Warm & Fuzzy goodwill and good works throughout the country.

We set an ambitious goal: If we could generate 100,000 Warm & Fuzzies in 30-days, by the beginning of Chinese New Year, a $10,000 donation would be made to a CMN Hospital in the city that spread the most goodwill.



We created a site to house all Warm&Fuzzy activity from our native environment, Facebook and Twitter. The experience allowed users to declare and share Warm&Fuzzies, as well as visualize the spread of Warm&Fuzzies across the nation as bunnies multiplying on a map.


Cross-platform tracking allowed users (and us) to see the full impact and spread of each Warm & Fuzzy — in a unified report across Facebook, twitter and the site itself.

An industry first: The Warm& Fuzzies came in the form of social media posts to a dedicated microsite—which enabled geo-tracking and visualization of complex social media interactions across multiple platforms


Alexander Wang


Boak's Brewery